
About Kenston Construction

Kenston Construction Pte Ltd was formed as a sole proprietor in 1984.

From that time on, it has engaged itself in Building Construction activities such as Residential Houses, Factories, Warehouses, Institutions, Commercial Buildings, Sport Centres, etc.

Due to the growth of the firm, it was converted to a Private Limited Company in 1990.

The company is a Registered Contractor with the Building & Construction Authority under the head reference of CW-01 for General Building with a financial grade of B2. It is also registered under the head reference of CW-02 for Civil Engineering with a financial grading of C3. The company was successfully upgraded to ISO 9001:2000 in December 2006.

Featured Projects

Inter-Roller REC Cell 2A
REC Module 3A Cluny Hill
Ford Avenue Tagore Drive